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At Arival Publications, we transcend literary boundaries.  The world is made up of trillions of individuals, all with unique experiences and perspectives on our world, our country, our community, and our lives.  Arival Publications strives to give voice to those experiences and in doing so connect readers with stories that resonate with their own lives or provide insight into other worlds.


Have you written that great book just waiting to be published? Do you have that book in your heart, but not sure how to get it on paper? At MOGINA Books, we will turn your manuscript into a published book. By 100% supporting you in publication, we hold your hand through the often tedious process of self-publishing; we are by your side every step of the way. From story development to book cover concept and design, our publishing professions will work with you to make your dream a reality. Experts with over twenty years in publishing will professionally edit and format your manuscript, polishing it into a work you can boast with pride. Whether print or digital, we offer a variety of packages to help you achieve your publishing goals. Contact us today for a free quote!

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